Our research mission is to understand how egg and sperm precursors fulfill their unique potential to generate fertile and healthy offspring using flies, mouse, and cell culture models. We do this work with the broader goal of bolstering access to, and resilience within, a variety of research career development tracks. 

Our group is situated within the Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology at University of Texas San Antonio. We are a nascent lab recruiting at multiple levels - join us in our quest to understand the developmental underpinnings of fertility!


Posted 10/1/2024

We are thrilled to share our gratitude for support from the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) through their Junior Faculty Award. We are so excited to start this project to understand the impact of parental age on germ cell development in the next generation. Learn more here!

Posted 8/6/2024

Lia Sorrell and Creehan Healy presented posters and gave talks on their projects at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Summer Showcase today. Amazing work both of you!

Posted 8/2/2024

We are sad to say farewell to Harry Seigel after two years in our lab. You are a great scientist and amazing teammate. We will miss you but are so happy you are moving on to your top-choice PhD program! 

Posted 8/2/2024

Congrats to Isabella Alvarado, rising high school senior who finished a summer NDRB Pre-Freshman Research Experience with oral and poster presentations. 

Special Thanks to Lorena Roa-de la Cruz and Creehan Healy for being Isabella's mentors. Learn more about the NPRE program here.

Posted 7/8/2024

We had so much fun sciencing with Rebecca Spokony, associate professor at CUNY, here in San Antonio this summer! 

Posted 6/1/2024

Our germ cell tumor project was funded by The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund! We are deeply grateful to have support through a 2024 Voelcker Fund Young Investigator Award. Learn more here

Posted 5/30/2024

Lia Sorrel was accepted into the UTSA MARC Program! Read more about the program here.

Creehan Healy received an additional scholarship for her senior year through her standing membership in the MARC/RISE program. Congratulations to both of you - well-deserved!

Posted 5/28/2024

Congratulations to Krystal Goyins, who just passed her qualifying exam! We are excited to see her continue her excellent science as a PhD candidate!

Posted 5/24/2024

Samantha Cocita, Lia Sorrell, and Krystal Goyins won awards for their poster presentations at the NDRB Department Retreat! Great Work!

Posted 4/23/2024

A hearty congratulations to Harry Siegel for defending his master's thesis titled "Genetic Characterization of Juvenile Hormone Degradation Enzyme Mutants." As always, excellent work Harry!

Posted 4/12/2024

Hot off the presses! Our review article, written in collaboration with Ruth Lehmann and Benjamin Lin, on primordial germ cells' migrational "journey of a generation" was just published in Development! Read it here! Congrats Lorena Roa de la Cruz!

Posted 3/27/2024

Lorena Roa de la Cruz, Samantha Cocita, and Harry Siegel presented posters at the national Discover BMB conference hosted right here in San Antonio. Awesome job!

Posted 3/6/2024

Creehan Healy and Krystal Goyins presented posters at the 2024 Southwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Developmental Biology (SWSDB)! They did a phenomenal job at their first conference and what a wonderful setting for a first conference! Great job Krystal and Creehan!

Posted 1/11/2024

Hot off the press! Our findings of a new role for Juvenile hormones in embryonic germline development is out now in Current Biology! Read it here 

Posted 10/26/2023

Lorena Roa de la Cruz gave a talk at the Academic Data Science Alliance Annual Meeting here in San Antonio! She discussed her bioinformatics work with single cell RNA-seq to isolate and characterize spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). Great Work!

Lorena was also the UTSA Representative on the organizing committee at the 11th annual San Antonio Postdoctoral Research Forum! 

Creehan Healy presented her calcium signaling research research at the RISE Undergraduate Research Symposium at UTSA!  

Posted 9/18/2023

It's finally here! After a long wait, our Dragonfly spinning disk confocal has arrived and been installed. Look forward to seeing those images soon in the gallery!

We also celebrated our 1 year lab anniversary!
Here's to many more to come!

Posted 8/18/2023

Ricardi Widjaksono's internship at BioMarin concluded and was a fantastic learning and professional experience!
Congratulations again!
Ricardi was also featured by the Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design internship spotlight, read more here!

Posted 7/28/2023

Creehan Healy showcased her exciting research at the Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Showcase. Great job Creehan!

Posted 7/21/2023

Our lab was awarded a seed grant from UTSA's Office of the Vice President of Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprises. We are excited for their support on this new collaborative project with biomedical engineer, Dr. Gongchen Sun!

Posted 6/2/2023

Lorena Roa de la Cruz and Lacy Barton presented at the NDRB Department retreat. They gave talks on the ongoing projects in the lab and future directions of our research.

Amazing work to both of you!

Posted 6/1/2023

A hearty congrats to Harry Siegel winning NDRB's 2023 Merit Award 'in recognition of his strong record of research contributions in the Barton Lab.' Well deserved Harry! 

Posted 5/8/2023

Congratulations to Rosario Lopez-Roca for being awarded the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program Fellowship! Keep up the good work!

Posted 4/7/2023

Congratulations to A. Nicole Moreno and her team for winning top research poster at the UTSA Public Health National Public Health Week event! See the post here! 

Posted 4/5/2023

The Viva Science SA event went great! Our lab enjoyed sharing the wonders of drosophila genetics with the community this past weekend. See some of our photos in the Gallery!

Posted 4/5/2023

Congradulations to Lorena Roa de la Cruz for being featured in the NDRB Signals newsletter! See the interview on page 6 here!

Posted 3/30/2023

Our lab will be participating in the Viva Science SA Event with the NDRB Department and the Brain Health Consortium! We will be showing some of the types of flies we use in the lab and the work we do. Read more about here!

Posted 3/30/2023

Congrats to Brian Lepe was accepted to the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program at Stanford! Read more on the SURF program here!

Ricardi Widjaksono landed a summer internship with BioMarin Pharmaceuticals. Awesome work!

Posted 3/30/2023

Congratulations to Rosario Lopez-Roca was awarded a Provost Undergraduate Research fellowship and a Presidential Distinguished Scholarship!

Samantha Cocita and Rosario Lopez-Roca were both awarded scholarships from the Baptist Health Foundation. Congrats!

Posted 3/30/2023

A. Nicole Moreno earned her Bachelor's of Science in Biology and was featured in an Integrated Biology Senior Spotlight! See it here and Congratulations Nicole!

Lacy Barton was featured in MIT's The Whitehead Institute's Women's History celebration Read more here 

Posted 3/30/2023

Special thanks to Harry Siegel for designing our new lab website!


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